Choose the best answer.
1. How long was Kate lost?
a. 4 days
b. 22 days
c. 22 years
d. 10,000 days
2. Where did Kate get food?
a. From trees.
b. In the restaurant.
c. From night club.
d. People brought for her.
3. Why did Kate run away?
a. She was sick.
b. She was nervous.
c. She was afraid.
d. The circus hit her.
4. Why did Kate return?
a. She was afraid.
b. She broke the farm fences.
c. She wanted to be warm.
d. She became very cold.
5. Why was Kate cold?
a. She drank whiskey.
b. It was winter.
c. She crossed a river.
d. She was sick.
6. What helped Kate get warm?
a. The farm fences
b. clothes
c. The Fire
d. Some whiskey